The house came with blue laminate countertops... Not particularly obnoxious, but definitely not something I would have chosen or something that adds to the kitchen.
Big blue, the kitchen island....
After reading a lot of reviews, and researching the products available, I decided to try the Giani Granite Kit as a temporary fix until I can replace the countertops.
And it wasn't even the terribly onerous job I thought it might be. It took a basecoat of black that had to dry 8 hours, 3-4 hours to sponge on the three mineral colors to look like granite, 4 hour drying time, 2 polyurethane coats, and then 3 days before I could put the kitchen to use like usual.
The largest problem it has caused is that now I want the laminate gone and wood floors in yesterday!
So much better in my eyes...
And now I can look at these pictures and see all the other things I want to do.....
I would definitely recommend the Giani Granite Kit as an inexpensive fix to blah or ugly countertops. I think that the countertops could look bad if someone wasn't comfortable with messing around and didn't have some degree of 'artistic' talent but simply wanted paint by number type instructions. If you are a perfectionist, the polyurethane coating might drive you a bit nuts. If you have a fair bit of painting experience, that should not create to much difficulty either.